
A Different Kind of Paintball Site

I have a problem with most paintball sites&mdashthey suck.

Paintball makes my top 10 list of pastimes, so the lack of good quality, solid info out there annoys me to no end. I love the game—and I want to help other people discover their love for the game.

Instead, the majority of sites have a lot of posturing, b.s. laden yammering, and cliques—it's just as bad as the elitism you see in IT circles for name-your-OS- du jour bashing, or the cold shoulders given to new folks by grey beards *NIX gurus. So, I decided to do something about it.

Here you will find a voice of reason (with no testosterone) and informed opinions about various topics having to do with paintball.

I plan on starting with a few posts about my background to give folks an idea of where I get off thinking that I should be writing about paintball. I'm an English major, so I believe in stating my biases up front. :-)

After that I will stick to topics of broader interest to readers: safety, equipment maintenance, buying your own gear, things to avoid when buying used equipment, my opinions of other web resources, etc. At some point, I may start posting individual field reviews but for now that's a back-burner.

1 comment:

critiquegod said...

Sounds like a good informal start to your blog. Nice to see at least one voice of reason in a field full of preteen chest thumping.

Looking forward to reading some of your reviews.
